Victorian Sensationalism and Crystal Gazing: A Peak into Sensation and Occultism in the Victorian Era

Victorian Sensationalism and Crystal Gazing: A Peak into Sensation and Occultism in the Victorian Era

Sensationalism rippled through Great Britain and its colonies during the Victorian Era. It gripped people through its extraordinary effects on the senses through avenues of literature, historical events, technological advances, and even pastimes. As the industrial revolution took hold of Victorian England, new technological advances, 

The Rise of Spiritualism: Media and Skepticism

The Rise of Spiritualism: Media and Skepticism

Image I: The Fox Sisters: Leah, Kate (middle), and Maggie (far right), (Smithsonian) The rise of modernist Spiritualism can be attributed to a handful of sensational events, though none as significant as the one which took place in the Hydesville, New York home of sisters 

The Strange Practices of Dr. John Elliotson

The Strange Practices of Dr. John Elliotson

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