

Image: James Duffield Harding, The Great Exhibition of 1851 Please note that this list is meant to inspire rather than to prescribe. You are free and encouraged to work outside the boundaries of this list if you wish. Come talk to me if you are 

creative curation assignment

creative curation assignment

Image above: Grand Panorama (Concluded) of the Great Exhibition from The Illustrated London News. Image scan by Philip Allingham. The Victorian Web.  Assignment Description Want to read the assignment sheet as a Google Doc? You can access it here. This is a research assignment with a twist! Your 

some resources to get you started

some resources to get you started

Image Above: “Gertrude in the Wilderness” by George du Maurier. Wood-engraving by Joseph Swain. Charles Warren Adams’s The Notting Hill Mystery, in Once a Week 7 (29 November 1862): 617. Scanned by Simon Cooke. Victorian Web. Research Resources Victorian Web – A comprehensive resource created by George Landow at 

practicalities of content

We will be collecting all our projects together on a central website. You can either post your content directly onto the website or, if you prefer, you can link to or embed your content from elsewhere on the web (e.g. your own website—there are plenty 

guidelines for content

Present – you want to inform your audience of something about your chosen object/event. Bring it to life for us. Illuminate its significance within its cultural/historical context. Translate it for your audience. Curate – you want to demonstrate attention to and care for your object 

what to work on

Guidelines: It must be Victorian (1930s-1901, British Empire). It must be something that you can connect to the idea of Sensation, in any of the term’s expansive and multiple meanings. It must be something you can research within the time permitted (e.g. if it’s an